SOME 930 pupils, 90 members of staff and six governors from John Hanson Community School joined thousands of children across the world to take part in a Guinness World Record attempt to stage the biggest lesson.

The attempt was part of the Global Campaign for Education and was supported by UNICEF and UNESCO to try and end illiteracy.

They want to see every child in school by 2015 and equal the number of boys and girls in school by the year 2005.

The aim of the lesson was to highlight the vital importance of educating girls as a way of tackling human poverty. John Hanson's participation ties in with the school's active involvement in preserving hum-an rights.

The school held a 30-minute lesson, followed by a whole school assembly using a supplied lesson plan. The current world record, set in March last year, saw 28,801 children participate in a language lesson in the UK. A decision will be made by Guinness World Records in May.