SLIMMING World members from Andover gathered at Andover Fire Station to highlight their success in losing weight.

Over the last year everyone involved in the Andover Swimming World classes has collectively lost a staggering 12 tons in weight - the equivalent of a fire engine.

Approximately 250 slimmers attend the Andover classes each week.

Consultants Tracey Roberts and Amanda Poore, along with some of their class members, got together to highlight their achievement.

Tracey said: "It's a massive achievement.

"We've got some people who have lost six or seven stone which has been quite a transformation, not just in the way they look but in the confidence they have gained.

"We'd like to thank Andover Fire Station for letting us come along and visualise what we've achieved."

For more information about Slimming World contact Tracey on 01264 362104.