A woman from Alresford is urging homeowners to tie yellow ribbon round their garden trees, to support troops in the Gulf.

Jenny Allen, a resident of Makin's Court, says many people are wearing little ribbons for peace, but she wants to take the idea further.

She has tied yellow bows round her trees, in a move she believes will bring comfort to families of soldiers.

"People driving past would be able to see it, families of people in the Gulf would be supported by it and it would be very uplifting for children.

"It's the only way we can let the soldiers know they're in our thoughts and prayers. We have to put all the feelings and emotions about war behind us and support the troops out there."

So far the idea has not caught on beyond her immediate neighbours. But Jenny hopes as the war concludes, people will want to show support to soldiers returning home.

"It would look amazing if this network started and everybody tied yellow ribbons round their trees. It's only 15p a metre," she added.