There's still time for Southampton tennis fans to hit their way to Spain.

Entries are being taken for the Peugeot Inter-Club Challenge 2003, which gives the chance to win a trip to La Manga Club in Spain to compete in the grand final.

The championships provide club tennis players a chance to compete against other players of the same standard, from all over the country.

Peugeot manger Steve Harris said: "The Peugeot Inter-Club Challenge offers a tier of high quality competition for tennis players from all over the UK.

"It is not an elite competition but one for people who enjoy playing tennis and who are looking for a challenge."

The players of the competition must be amateur. A team will consist of two men and two women chosen out of a squad of up to nine.

A match will be men's doubles and women's doubles. If the games are equal at the finish a mixed doubles tie will be played to find a winner.

For further information contact Janice White on 020 8657 6861