Red onion, snap pea and nectarine salad with Danish blue cheese dressing serves 4


150g bag salad leaves

100g (4oz) sugar snap peas

A little oil

2 large nectarines, cut into quarters

4 red onions, peeled and cut into quarters

225g (8oz) baby plum tomatoes


75g (3oz) Rosenborg Danish blue cheese

1 tbsp crme fraiche


1 Cook the sugar snaps for 2 - 3 minutes in boiling water until just tender. Drain.

2 Heat a griddle pan or skillet and brush lightly with oil. Start by griddling the onions, turning frequently until browned.

3 Add the nectarines and tomatoes to the pan and cook until lightly browned.

4 Warm the cheese in a pan with the crme fraiche until the cheese has melted, do not boil.

5 Arrange the salad leaves on a large plate, top with the cooked ingredients and drizzle over the dressing.