THE GHOST that haunted Alf Mansbridge has been well and truly busted!

The 69-year-old from Millbrook, Southampton, had hardly been able to get a wink of sleep for four months. He was tormented by a chilling voice that seemed to be saying: "I won't take the lift down."

The strange message kept being repeated over and over again for about 15 seconds at 1.55am each day.

But the web of intrigue surrounding Alf's extraterrestrial tale was unravelled by council environmental health officers. They found a children's Spider-Man watch lying on top of a lounge bookcase which was reciting the familiar spooky phrase bang on time.

The watch which cost just £1.99 and was made by US-firm Marvel, had been bought by Alf's niece Joanne Sheath, 31, from a KFC take-away in Millbrook for children Joshua, 7, and Katie, 5. It was part of a promotion for Spider-Man the movie.

The timepiece was left behind after a visit to Alf's home - sparking one of the most bizarre ghost hunts for many years. Said Alf, a former milkman: "I was convinced the voice was coming from my smoke alarms. I can't believe it was coming from a child's toy.

"When the environmental health people worked out what was going on we just looked at each other and laughed. I had put the watch on my bookcase and forgot about it. It has made my life absolute hell.

"I slept for hour upon hour on Saturday. I was in such a deep sleep that I missed Joanne knocking on my front door to see if I was OK."

After the Daily Echo first highlighted Alf's spine-tingling tale the pensioner was inundated with calls from curious locals, with several people also claiming to be paranormal investigators offering their 'services'.

Alf also taped the voice of his ghost to prove to neighbours he had not gone round the twist.

Joanne said: "It's a very funny ending to a weird few months. I think one of my children must have set the alarm for 1.55am by mistake.

"I'm so relieved Alf can now get a good night's sleep."