Wayne Bridge is set to break Alan Shearer's long-standing record of 108 consecutive Premiership appearances at Chelsea on Boxing Day and admitted he now dreams of reaching a double century.

Barring any last-minute hiccups, the Saints and England left-back is a certainty to start his 109th top-flight match in a row, beating the record set by former Saint Shearer at Blackburn.

Bridge's incredible run started in March 2000 and is made all the more remarkable by the fact that he has not even missed a minute of any of the games, having never been substituted - something which Shearer didn't manage.

The 22-year-old said: "I'm chuffed that I look like I'm about to break the record and really pleased to be playing all the time and hopefully I can stay injury free, keep it going and make it 200.

"In February I broke my toe and played to the end of the season with injections. I wasn't too bad, just a bit sore, but the adrenaline of the matches took the pain away and this season I struggled against Fulham with a knock but got through that.

"It is unbelievable really. The managers have helped me so much and believed in my ability to keep picking me.

"When I first started out on this run I didn't think it would get so far but if they believe in you it just builds up your confidence and makes you really positive when you go out there."

Bridge also singled out his current teammates for special praise and added: "When I haven't played well the team's played well. On Saturday I didn't think I had the best of games but I battled on and the team played well and we got a good point and we could have nicked it.

"It's easier when the players around you are playing so well and that goes for everyone and we are all playing well together, even if one or two aren't at their best."

The run has taken in three different managers - Dave Jones, Stuart Gray and Gordon Strachan - and the latter pinpointed what he believes is the reason for Bridge's continuing success by saying: "It's his strength - he's probably in the gym working on weights now. The amount of mileage he covers is great.

"Alan Shearer probably had to take a few more knocks but to be alongside Shearer on anything is great."

Strachan also praised the fact that Bridge has never picked up enough bookings during the 108 games to warrant a suspension and added: "He's done very well. He doesn't dive into tackles because he is fit and never tired.

"He keeps focused and is not an emotional bloke."