CHRISTMAS shoppers were being urged to dig a little deeper into their pockets to help save the lives of the seemingly fit and well.

Youngsters helped fill bags and asked for a small donation for the charity Cry - Cardiac Risk in the Young - at Sainsbury's store in Hedge End.

It represented part of a drive by Mary Abraham to raise awareness of Sudden Death Syndrome, which claimed the life of her 16-year-old son Philip, in 1995.

Mrs Abraham, who works part-time at the supermarket, says the heart defect is much common among young people than the public imagine.

She explained: "Every week, up to eight youngsters who look healthy, die from it. The most well-known case was footballer Terry Yorath's son. The victims all look supremely fit but they are most vulnerable while playing sport or during the night.''

The charity has already equipped Bitterne Health Centre with one mobile health screening unit which cost about £8,000, and it is closing on its target to equip Southampton with a second.