POLICE in Fareham are urging women revellers to be on their guard over the festive period after an indecent assault in the town at the weekend.

Officers are hunting a man who carried out the attack at about 5.15am on Sunday morning in Highlands Road, near the junction with Catisfield Lane.

He grabbed hold of the 18-year-old as she walked towards him on the pavement and pushed her against a wall.

The victim managed to kick the offender and run away but has been left feeling shocked and shaken. The suspect is described as Asian, 5ft 8in tall and aged in his early to mid thirties. He was wearing a dark woolly hat, a dark navy blue fleece and baggy black trousers. Police say they are not linking the latest incident with their investigation - codenamed Operation Esk - into a spate of six sex attacks in August.

While one man has been charged with an indecent assault in the town in July no one has been caught in connection with the other incidents which all took place in Fareham town centre.

DS Derek Rawles of Fareham CID said: "We would always urge women to take common sense precautions when out at night, and not to walk home alone. We want to reiterate that advice especially during Christmas and the New Year."

He pledged his support for the Daily Echo's Be Safe, Be Sensible campaign and urged all vulnerable groups to take note of our safety advice.

Don't walk home alone;

Be picked up by a friend or trusted taxi;

Stick to well lit main roads;

Carry a personal alarm.