THOUSANDS of children will enjoy a better Christmas tomorrow - thanks to generous Daily Echo readers from around the county.

Southampton Voluntary Services (SVS) collected and distributed more than 5,000 toys to needy children during the Daily Echo-backed 24th annual appeal.

Co-ordinator Zoe Truong thanked everyone who had helped, especially Tomy Toys in Totton which donated 2,000 new gifts.

Employment agency Brook Street of Above Bar, Southampton, and the city's Central Health Clinic on East Park Terrace were also mentioned for their help.

Ms Truong said: "Thank you to everyone involved and we hope to see you all again in 2003."

Following the initial appeal, our offices were awash with calls when a second request was made for Christmas gifts for the children at Southampton General Hospital.

Readers phoned around the clock with offers of donations - including £500 from the Foresters Children's Fund.

"If there's a project which improves quality of life for children, we try to help," said fund director Bernard Bloom.

After their mammoth distribution task, SVS gave the remaining toys to the hospital for the children in the paediatric ward.

Play co-ordinator at the hospital Maureen Valentine said: "Heartfelt thanks go to all the people who listened to our plea.

"I'm sure it will make the children's day in hospital much more pleasant for them."

To get involved with next year's 25th SVS toy appeal, contact Zoe Truong on 023 8033 7416.