Down Under - a Hampshire cricketer's winter in Australia with Iain Brunnschweiler.

It's the depths of winter in England and I have been feeling the cold as much as ever - particularly when turning up for training at the Rose Bowl for the past month.

My black woolly hat has been an absolute godsend, as there's no heating in the indoor school.

But in a few days' time it will be safely back in the wardrobe, as I head back Down Under for three months in Sydney.

With cricket being such an evolving sport, professionals can no longer look upon their occupation as just a summer job. If they want to stay at the top of their game, then the minimum winter effort is regular gym work and post-Christmas technical training - but many opt for a full winter away, often in Australia.

In fact, there are nine of the current Hampshire squad in Australia, all playing and training hard (hopefully!) as well as enjoying the slightly sunnier climate!

All of them will be playing cricket for Aussie clubs, and most will be on full-time training regimes to increase fitness levels in keeping with the new age of cricketer - ie no more beer bellies and nightly post-match lagers (well, occasionally after special victories!).

The end result is more finely-tuned athletes seeking to get the best out of themselves and their teammates.

My last two winters have been spent on the west coast of Oz in Perth, under the keen tutelage of Paul Terry at his AusCricket Academy, and now PT has been appointed as first team coach back at Hampshire.

The AusCricket set-up provides a complete programme for the young cricketer.

It combines daily fitness and strength work, technical support from specialised batting and bowling coaches, and an integration into club cricket.

So those who think that a cricketer's life is an easy one with six months' holiday per year can think again!

So, my Antipodean life begins in the new year, and I'm raring to get out into the sun to really get stuck into my training and playing, improving myself and doing what I love best.

I can't wait to share the Australian weather news with you on a regular basis ...

l As well as training for cricket for the last month, I have also been earning a few bob as a barman at The Varsity pub in Southampton.

I must say 'hi' to all the guys working there, and thanks for making it such fun. But I won't miss cleaning out the ashtrays and washing the dishes once I'm sunning myself Down Under!