LANDLORDS in Southampton have raised half a glass to news that pubs and clubs will be able to open for 36 hours over New Year's Eve.

Pubs, clubs, nightclubs and discos will now be able to open between 11am on New Year's Eve and 11pm on New Year's Day under changes announced by licensing minister Kim Howells.

The order will also allow the automatic extension of existing public entertainment licences for the period.

But landlords say although the new idea may be good for business, it will be difficult to persuade staff to work over the extended period.

Jonathan Armitage, manager of the Varsity pub in London Road, Southampton, said: "It seems like a good idea if I can get any staff to do it.

"I suspect staffing might be the biggest issue. It would be difficult to get them working such long hours. From a business point of view it is good but from a staffing point of view it is a nightmare."

His thoughts were echoed by Rob Carruthers, manager of Walkabout in High Street, Southampton. He said: "I already have a licence to 2 am but I might use it to open a little bit longer.

"It is probably a good idea for people who are working on New Year's Eve and it would mean less red tape for business which is always a good thing, but there are lots of practical issues in terms of staffing."

Mr Howells said: "This is good news for consumers and the industry. Longer drinking hours will provide customers with more choice of when and where they celebrate. It is one step closer to the reform of our archaic licensing hours.

"The order provides that police, local authorities and local residents have the right to seek restriction orders from their local magistrates' courts which would, if granted, prevent premises likely to cause disorder or disturbance from benefiting from the longer hours.

"People who wish to lodge their applications before the courts should do so today to ensure that they are seen in time, as five days' notice of making an application must be given."