FOXHUNTING enthusiasts in the New Forest are looking for a massive show of support at their traditional Boxing Day meet.

The New Forest Hounds are hoping hundreds of people will cheer them on when they set off from the Balmer Lawn Hotel in Brockenhurst.

It follows the publication of a new Bill that aims to outlaw hunting in many parts of the country.

If the Bill becomes law, the controversial bloodsport will continue only in areas where the local hunt has been issued with a special licence.

Each applicant will have to prove that hunting with dogs is the most effective and least cruel method of pest control.

Experts say hunting is likely to survive only in upland areas, which means the ancient tradition could soon disappear in the Forest and other parts of the south.

People at the Boxing Day meet are likely to hear a rallying cry from New Forest Hounds' spokesman Nick Smith or the group's chairman, Peter Squibb.

Mr Smith said: "Either myself or the chairman are likely to say a few words.

"Boxing Day is one of our biggest meets of the year and the event will be an opportunity for Forest people to get together and show their solidarity.

"We are getting more local support all the time.

"Tony Blair has judged it wrong. It's a ridiculous, unworkable Bill and I hope it will eventually be dropped."

Members of the New Forest Animal Protection Group will also be out in force on Boxing Day, but chairman Ken James said there was unlikely to be any conflict. He added: "The battle against hunting is won as far as I'm concerned.

"It will take another year at least, but I'm confident hunting will be banned. It's purely entertainment and has nothing to do with pest control."