CHRISTMAS has started early for a local children's club which has had a "Kickstart" from Eastleigh Housing Association.

Home-Start Eastleigh's new Wednesday Club has been awarded a £500 grant to help with running costs.

Kickstart is a small grants programme launched in 2000 by the association to help new projects and schemes with initial set- up costs.

Home-Start Eastleigh applied for a grant to help with its Wednesday Club which encourages local children under five to learn social skills through play.

A local charity, Home-Start offers friendship, support and practical help to stressed families with young children in the home and in group settings.

Trained volunteers offer a regular listening ear and companionship during times of family difficulty, helping to build confidence and self-esteem to alleviate family crisis and breakdown.

Mary Diaper, Home-Start Eastleigh's funding manager, said the cash from the association would be used for additional toys and equipment, craft items, refreshments and baby change items.

She said: "An average session at our Wednesday Club attracts ten to 12 families and their children so we often have 15 to 20 children at a time.

"I am sure that everyone will be delighted with the new equipment we have bought thanks to the donation from Eastleigh Housing Association."

Patrick Fowler, Eastleigh Housing Association's tenant participation manager said: "Through our work with tenants we know that many community groups struggle to survive and the Kickstart grant aims to help.

"As long as the organisation operates within the borough of Eastleigh and

benefits our tenants we will consider any application for financial support from £50 to a few thousand."