PARENTS' dreams of a new primary school in Whiteley moved a step closer after funding bids by education bosses.

A bid led by Hampshire County Council and Portsmouth Diocese was one of a number put before government officials who yesterday agreed a lump sum for a number of projects across the county.

It will be the new year before council bosses can determine whether the bid was successful but campaigners say the outlook is positive after it was identified as a priority by education chiefs.

A second bid by Portsmouth Diocese is also being examined by the Department for Skills and Education

A decision is expected in the next few days which is expected to make a decision over whether funding can be approved by Christmas.

The plan is to combine a village church for Whiteley with a much-needed school to cater for the increasing number of young families in the growing community.

If the funding bid is approved religious and education officials can start negotiations over the site and design of the multi-million pound scheme.

Funding for the project is already under way led by Rev Judy Henning.

She said: "We have been raising money for the building fund before the idea of adding a school was thought of and we are doing very well. We would certainly like to see approval for the project as it will be a real boost for the community."

If funding is agreed several stumbling blocks need to be addressed including buying up extra land and negotiations over playing field provision.

Leader of Fareham council Sean Woodward said: "Part of the site that could be used by a school belongs to the company that owns the Whiteley factory outlet so we would have to work that out.

"Another problem would be to negotiate the use of playing fields alongside the Meadowside leisure centre for the pupils to use as there would be no space within the allocated site. That all being well it should be all systems go."

Winchester City Council leader Sheila Campbell said: "At the moment this is the most productive option we have to investigate but a lot of work needs to be done particularly given the restrictive nature of the site that was originally earmarked for a church only."

Plans for the much-needed school were drawn up after a high profile campaign by parents of children who were turned down for places due to over subscription at Whiteley Primary school.

Thirty-four families now have to make an eight-mile round trip to schools in the Fareham area.

Although initially described as a blip by education bosses, forecasts showed the number of primary school pupils demanding places at Whiteley was set to rise prompting a u-turn by Hampshire County council who ordered plans for a new school be drawn up.