NEEDY children will be smiling on December 25 thanks to Southampton's own Mother Christmas.

Liz Fisher - who works on the P&O Ferries reservations team - has gathered more than 600 presents from generous co-workers for youngsters who would otherwise go without.

And the 34-year-old is so dedicated to the worthy cause she can barely move in her own home!

Her hallway is stacked full of the gifts as she sorts them into sacks ready for distribution.

"It's a mammoth task," said Liz, who lives with her scaffolder husband Danial. "But it's for a worthwhile cause."

The couple have been cramped at their John's Road home in Woolston, Southampton for two weeks but the project has taken longer than that.

"Within ten minutes of telling the company what I was doing I was awash with offers of help," she said.

Particular thanks went to the IT and finance departments of the Dukes Keep P&O office as well as the Towns Quay company operation.

Liz added an extra special thank you to Thomas Cook who were very helpful with the appeal.

Liz used to help her mum with similar projects until last year.

"What about the children?" she cried this time round when her own Mother Christmas said it was time to retire. But mum Georgie has leant a helping hand never the less.

"I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who's helped," said Liz, "It would be heartbreaking if the children had no presents."