THE Wessex Nuffield Hospital in Chandler's Ford is the first private hospital in the UK to have taken delivery of a revolutionary "16-slice" CT scanner.

The machine represents an advance over all existing scanners currently used within the health sector.

The scanner is much faster than previous technology, covering the patient in seconds, as opposed to minutes, yet still obtaining a muchgreater level of detail and quality.

To further improve patient comfort, the machine has a remote tilt, as well as user-friendly lights that instruct patients exactly when to hold their breath at various intervals.

Hospital manager Rob Swindlehurst explained: "The Wessex Nuffield Hospital's number one priority is patient care and, by investing in this new piece of machinery, we can improve the tracking of various illnesses, with the aim of reducing the need for invasive surgery where possible.

"For example, the scanner will enable us to ascertain the condition of some patients without the need to go to theatre - resulting in a 20-minute visit to the hospital rather than an overnight stay.

"All in all, a much less daunting experience for patients."

Jan Dowsett, of GE Medical Systems, added: "This is a true technological revolution, allowing us to see what was previously invisible! One of the scanner's many benefits is the boost it will give to those who are susceptible to certain conditions, such as heart disease, as it is able to identify parts

of organs which could

create future health problems."

It is possible to upgrade the scanner as technological advances are made, ensuring the machinery will not become obsolete.