PART of the New Forest coastline has been sealed off after torrential rain resulted in landslides.

A section of cliff at Barton on Sea has dropped two metres and cracks have appeared in a coastal path

following the exceptionally heavy rainfall last month.

Now New Forest District Council has fenced off a 400-metre section of coastline in the interests of public safety.

A council spokesman said the ground was saturated after more than 200 millimetres of rain fell in one month - the highest figure ever recorded by the authority.

He added: "There has been an increased amount of ground movement in the area between Hoskin's Gap and the western boundary of the Naish Estate.

"The movement includes the loss of some areas of grassed clifftop. An upper access track has also been affected by movement and cracking.

"To ensure public safety, the area between Hoskin's Gap and Sea Road has been closed."

Council chiefs fear the rainwater will lubricate the deep-seated slip plain between the Barton clay and the gravel beds and cause a repeat of the major cliff fall of two years ago.

Engineering technician Steve Cook warned that the area could be sealed off until next month.