Winchester saw a spate of handbag thefts last weekend.

A woman who left her handbag in Costa Coffee in the Brooks shopping centre, returned to find it had been snatched.

The theft occurred on Friday (December 13th) between 2-3pm. The Quiksilver bag contained a Nokia phone, £20 in cash and credit cards.

A handbag was stolen in St Maurice's Covert at 4pm on Saturday (December 14th). The handbag worth £25 and £25 cash were taken. Police say they are looking for a white man, 18-21 years old with short, light brown hair. He wore black trousers and white trainers.

At around the same time on Saturday, a thief stole a handbag from an upstairs office in the Art shop on the High Street. The bag contained a purse and credit cards.

Police are looking for a male aged 35-40.

Call Winchester crime desk on 0845 045 4545 if you can help.