Winchester has been twinned with the heritage city of Laon (France) since 1992.

Dr Loykie Lomin, a French national who lectures in tourism management at King Alfred's College, has been awarded a fellowship to enable him to develop a project with the Winchester-Laon Town Twinning Association.

Businesses benefit economically from town twinning through regular exchange visits: besides official visits, many families go to see their new friends on the other side of the Channel and numerous other projects go on.

For example, this month, training teachers from Laon will be in Winchester to observe teaching sessions and to meet their English counterparts and, in June, the city will receive Laon's renowned brass band.

Town twinning does not just benefit business but also community life: participants develop fascinating cross-cultural relationships which also help remove prejudices and false impressions - not all the French drink wine and not all the English drink tea at 3pm!

Anyone can join the Winchester-Laon Town Twinning Association, individuals and businesses alike - Loykie Lomin is keen to help organise further projects and partnerships. For more information, ring Loykie Lomin on 01962-860573 or Harry Wright on 01962-854278.