WITH so many people decorating the outside of their homes with cheerful Christmas lights, the downside has been an increase in vandalism.

There have been at least seven attacks on festive decorations in Andover during the past two weeks and police believe there may have been more that have gone unreported.

Extra police patrols are focusing especially on the Viking Way and Roman Way areas of the town where there have been three known attacks.

In one incident in Viking Way lights were ripped down and left damaged in the road outside.

In Artists Way some Christmas lights were torn down and strewn across the garden and a 3ft by 2ft Father Christmas worth £30 was stolen.

In the most recent incident Christmas lights were pulled down from a garage in Claudius Close and damaged.

Although six incidents have been reported to the police, they think there may have been more unreported incidents and one such attack was reported directly to the Andover Advertiser.

No address was given but it was reported that vandals had cut the power supply to a seven-year-old girl's Christmas lanterns, which were hanging outside the front door. Her mother said: "I fail to understand the minds of such people who, at a time of good will to all, feel they have to upset everyone else's good cheer.

"I would just like to say that you will not put me off replacing these lights. Luckily for you, and you know who you are, our CCTV was disabled. But next time we will be happy to supply your act of crime to the local police station."

Pc Beasley advised people to be vigilant. If they saw anyone attacking lights or other crime, to contact police on 0845 045 4545.