THIS is the face of the violent thug who has been banned from Fareham town centre for the next two years.

Jobless Terence Miller yesterday became the first person in the borough to be made the subject of an antisocial behaviour order.

It's the culmination of six months of work by council bosses and police officers, who had to gather enough evidence to keep the 20-year-old lout off the streets.

The order means homeless Miller cannot enter Fareham town centre, the shopping precinct or drink alcohol in any of the borough's streets or open spaces.

Yesterday, the ex-Neville Lovett pupil said he would not contest the order, successfully brought by Fareham council at Portsmouth Magistrates' Court.

Now council bosses and the police hope their landmark legal bid will bring an end to Miller's reign of terror.

During the past year he has spent three months in jail, punched teenagers in West Street in unprovoked attacks, terrorised innocent members of the public and stolen from shops.

"The town centre acts as a magnet for Mr Miller, and particularly when he's drunk these incidents arise," Kate Rickwood told the court, on behalf of Fareham council.

Nigel Hodkinson, representing Miller, said his client knew he had done wrong.

"He does accept his behaviour has been bad, sufficiently so for this order to be made.

"When involved with a group, and with drinking, problems can occur."

The court heard how the town- centre menace had tried to start a new life in Basingstoke but with "great reluctance" had returned to the Fareham area.

Miller's only base is the town's King's Road night shelter - with much of his time spent at friends' houses.

District Judge John Woollard told Miller that the order was "draconian" but necessary until the young man's behaviour improved.

The order specifies that Miller must not:

Behave in a way likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to others within the Fareham borough.

Encourage others to act in any behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to others within the Fareham borough.

Enter the area of Fareham town centre between Osborn Road, Western Road, Trinity Street and the High Street.

Not drink alcohol in any public space, street or area other than on licensed premises within Fareham borough.

Miller could find himself behind bars for five years if he falls foul of any of the conditions.

The only exceptions when Miller can venture into the town centre will be to go to court, the probation service, the police station, the social security office and the health clinic.

He is only allowed to stay at the night shelter in King's Road, which is in the forbidden zone, with prior agreement from the manager.

Inspector Simon Wriggles-worth of Fareham Police said: "Antisocial behaviour cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.

"This order demonstrates our determination to work together to deal with unacceptable conduct in public places."