EVERY child in Southampton who asks Santa for a games console this Christmas will get one, according to new research by credit card company Visa.

A questionnaire of parents in the city revealed that the most popular items on the list this year are clothes - including a football kit - followed by CDs and DVDs.

The study also showed that in each instance where children have asked for a games console, they will be in luck and eight out of ten youngsters who have asked for CDs, DVDs, computer games and soft toys will receive them.

In six out of ten instances children will get clothes when they ask for them.

Marc O'Brien, vice president of Visa UK, said: "While it may not come as much of a surprise that parents are mostly a soft touch at this time of year, what is interesting is the substantial value of the gifts children are requesting.

"Children have high aspirations in their choice of gifts, such as computers, computer games and mobile phones.

The survey found that Barbie, now in her 43rd year, occupies the top spot as the most wanted Christmas gift in Southampton, with Harry Potter at number two, followed by Disney with Monsters Inc and Lilo and Stitch merchandise coming in 3rd and 4th respectively.

Visa's questionnaire also discovered that the opinions of mums and dads in Southampton differ about what their children want.

Dads often believe their children want more "techie" gifts and are more likely to buy computer games or clothes, while mums will prefer to buy books and Barbie dolls.