HAMPSHIRE dad David Gibson today issued a desperate plea to his missing wife: "Come home for Christmas".

Mum-of-five Belinda Gibson has not been seen since mysteriously vanishing from her Southampton home in February.

Her disappearance prompted Hampshire detectives to launch a murder inquiry codenamed Operation Asgard earlier this year.

Today her husband David, who has been arrested and questioned in connection with Belinda's disappearance, declared his innocence.

The 32-year-old said he had been given new hope that his wife was alive and well after being contacted by one of her oldest friends.

Martial arts instructor Mr Gibson, of Purvis Gardens, Sholing, said the friend, whom he declined to name, had assured him Belinda was safe.

"Very recently a close friend of Belinda approached me to see how I was," he said.

"Within a few weeks, she was back again. Everyone thinks I am tough and handling this well, but on this occasion I broke down.

"I told her it was not the police business that was getting to me but the not knowing if Belinda had done anything stupid or if someone has done something to her.

"This person told me Belinda is OK, and that she just knew. She has been Belinda's friend for many years. She is so sincere in what she says and I have no reason to think she would lie to me."

Mr Gibson said he had spoken to the friend since and now believes former hairdresser Belinda could be living outside Southampton and driving a sporty grey metallic car.

He added: "Belinda is my blue-eyed baby. I have lost a soul-mate. I need her to confirm that she is OK. All I ask is for her to come home for Christmas."

Mr Gibson and his father Leslie Gibson, 64, of Woolston, have both been questioned about Belinda's unexplained disappearance. Both have been bailed until January.

Today Det Sgt Howard Kiley, part of the Operation Asgard team, said: "I can confirm the inquiry is continuing and two people remain on bail as a result of inquiries into the disappearance of Belinda Gibson.

"We would welcome any new information which would assist in bringing this matter to a close."

Any information to the Hulse Road incident room on 0845 045 4545, or the Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.