Alice, Haymarket Theatre, Basingstoke

CURIOUSER and curiouser - a Christmas show that doesn't ask people to shout "it's behind you" or star anyone who last appeared in Home and Away 15 years ago.

The Haymarket Theatre's Alice is this year's panto alternative - a fairly faithful adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, complete with surreal images and weird and wonderful costumes and sets.

Elroy Ashmore's amazingly inventive costumes are the stars of the show but each cast member does such a good job of playing multiple characters that it's a shock to see so few people taking their end-of-performance bow.

All this makes for a viable Christmas show choice, especially as there is just enough audience interaction to prevent the little ones going away disappointed.

The script occasionally drags and not all the stagecraft works but, overall, this show is more likely to produce Cheshire Cat grins than Alice-style tantrums.

Runs until January 4.