A SHAME-FACED couple who performed a drunken sex act in Basingstoke town centre in broad daylight were given rehabilitation orders - and a good telling-off - by a crown court judge.

Jeannette Keen, 38, admitted the outrage to public decency charge in performing oral sex on Anthony Wormersley, 32, on a bench outside Caf Rouge, at 4.30pm on September 30 - in full view of old ladies and horrified office workers.

Wormersley also pleaded guilty to the charge of outrage to public decency.

Keen (pictured), of Linchfield Road, Worth Camp, Farnborough, who had been thrown out of Caf Rouge for drunken behaviour along with some of her friends, was sitting on the bench when Wormersley joined her and she performed the act twice.

Prosecutor Andy Houston said: "Someone who worked in a nearby business premises was so disgusted that she went to tell her workmates and a number went to see what was happening."

He added: "A member of the public said there were mothers with very young children walking by."

When he was arrested, Wormersley, previously of Abbey Road, Popley, Basingstoke, but who is currently homeless, made references to women finding him "irresistible".

At Winchester Crown Court he apologised and denied that there were mothers and children around during the incident.

"I'm ashamed about what I have done, and I'm embarrassed," he said. "I never meant it to happen and I had had too much to drink. I have a daughter and I wouldn't want her to see something like that."

Judge Patrick Hooton, sentencing him to an 18-month community rehabilitation order, said: "I don't think that anyone who contemplated doing this in public would think about whether there were young children present.

"You had better sort yourself out."

He sentenced Keen, who claimed she was so drunk she did not remember what happened, to a 12-month community rehabilitation order.