A Fareham school is well on its way to proving its sporting credentials as it moved one step closer to expanding its football facilities yesterday.

Plans for Henry Cort Community School to take over two neighbouring pitches at Hillson Drive recreation ground won unanimous support from the council's executive.

The sporting boost could not come at a better time for staff, who will find out next month whether the school's bid for specialist sports status has been successful.

Under the proposals the school would be responsible for maintaining the pitches rather than the council.

The ground would still be open to the public, with the school's own sports facilities.

The proposal is linked to a wider scheme by Hampshire County Council to build two new soccer pitches and changing facilities on the school site.

Funding for the £335,000 project is expected to come from Hampshire County Council, Fareham council and the Football Foundation.

Peter Grimwood, Fareham council's director of leisure and environment, told the meeting the proposals were an excellent example of schools and councils working in partnership.

Councillor Connie Hockey, the council's executive member for leisure, pointed out the council would save £15,425 by not having to look after the pitches.

"The old pavilion can be knocked down and new changing facilities built which comply with the Disability Discrimination Act," she said.

Head teacher at Henry Cort, Jenny Bulled, said the extra pitches at the school would benefit the whole community.

The council has agreed to set aside £100,000 from developers' contributions for the scheme, subject to the Football Foundation providing funding.

A public consultation will also be carried out into the pros and cons of the proposal.

The plans were drawn up after the Hampshire Football Association identified a lack of football provision in the area.