WORK on a multi-million-pound plan to transform Totton town centre is set to start early next year, it has been revealed.

Street lighting in Rumbridge Street and adjoining roads will be given a major facelift in a bid to improve road safety and residents' security.

The £65,000 scheme is the first phase of streetscape improvements to Rumbridge Street Totton's original shopping centre.

County council spokeswoman Sarette Martin said: "The street retains a strong village character, but is suffering from the effects of under-investment.

"Although the majority of buildings are of late Victorian or Edwardian origin, the area is dominated by traffic and poorly maintained street furniture.''

Keith Estlin, the county council's executive member for environment, praised the plan to install new lighting in the area.

He said: "This marks the first phase of what is planned to be a long-term and

exciting programme of improvements to Totton town centre.

"The need for environmental improvements has been apparent for many years.

"It's great news that work 'on the ground' will soon be under way. Work is expected to start in February and last for about two months."

Plans to transform Totton town centre were unveiled in September.

If the scheme goes ahead, the busy junction of Salisbury Road and Commercial Road will be closed to all traffic except buses.

Cars will have to use a new link road connecting Salisbury Road with the roundabout at the junction of Ringwood Road and Maynard Road.

Other proposals include a town square at the western end of the Commercial Road shopping precinct and a village green-style amenity area at the junction of Salisbury Road and Water Lane.

Commercial Road, currently a dual carriageway, will be halved in width and turned into what the county council calls a treelined boulevard.

Last month it was revealed that 71 per cent of Totton residents supported the new proposals.