PEOPLE in Eastleigh will cancel holidays to France and Spain next summer and stick around for a music festival that could see music maestro Jools Holland top the bill with TV celebrity Rolf Harris.

So claims leader of Eastleigh council Keith House, who believes the week-long £100,000 event - revealed by the Daily Echo last week - on the Leigh Road recreation ground will prove too much to miss for residents.

But many people the Daily Echo spoke to in Eastleigh haven't even heard of the show's two pencilled-in headliners.

Shop worker Lucy Morgan, 19, from Cranberry Road, Eastleigh, said: "I don't really know who they are - although my mum says she likes Rolf Harris's animal programme on TV."

As for cancelling his holiday, businessman Justin Harrison, 24, from Desbor-ough Road, Eastleigh, said: "The prospect of Rolf Harris playing at the end of my road would encourage me to get down to the travel agents."

He added: "With the council tax going up I think there are probably better ways of spending this money."

Cllr House said: "We are looking for a host of community-based events from children's entertainers to free lunchtime and afternoon music in and around the marquee with a mix of local and world musicians."

The event will cater for 2,000 people and hopefully bring some big names from the world of rock, folk, jazz and country to Eastleigh.

Eastleigh Borough Council is pumping £25,000 into the venture with the rest of the cash coming from sponsorship.