A RECYCLING plant manager is recovering in a specialist burns unit after he lit a cigarette and was engulfed in a ball of flame.

The 45-year-old man was draining his own car's petrol tank at the facility at Woodside Avenue, Eastleigh, when he lit up and accidentally ignited the highly flammable fuel vapour.

The flames burnt his face, chest, both of his hands and set his clothes on fire.

Colleagues immediately rushed to his aid and rolled him on the ground, starving the fire of oxygen.

Firefighters wearing protective clothing and breathing apparatus responded but the situation was under control by the time they arrived.

The man, who has not been named, was rushed to the burns unit at Salisbury District Hospital. It is expected that he will be discharged within the next few days.

Eastleigh borough councillor Martin Kyrle witnessed the scene, which happened on Thursday lunchtime, as he dropped off an old carpet at the plant.

He said: "The firemen had oxygen cylinders on their backs and they raced into the hut where this man was.

"But he managed to walk to an ambulance with a face mask on. It must have been reasonably serious.

"We were blocked in for about ten minutes by the fire engine, I suppose because they didn't want anyone else coming in while the rescue was in progress."

Hampshire County Council owns the site, which is run by subcontractors Hopkin Recycling who have launched an inquiry. The Health and Safety Executive have been notified.

She added: "We are waiting to see the initial report from the contractors then we will complete a more detailed report which will be done with our own safety officer."