THE Fareham Society has urged developer Barratt Southampton to reduce the number of homes it plans to build on the former Bath Lane gasworks site.

The plea came on the second day of a public inquiry into Fareham council's decision to refuse planning permission for the 20-home mini estate.

Secretary Brenda Clapperton said the current number of homes proposed - 20 - was too high and should be reduced to 14 or 15.

"The parking slots within the site are too tight and the housing very cramped," she said.

"Some of the houses are too close to the sea wall and will dominate the coastal path," she said.

She went on to tell the hearing how the Fareham Society had always accepted the principle of housing on the site.

"We try to be responsible. We are not 'not-in-my-back-yard' people.

"We have always looked for a scheme that is worthy of the site. But this is not."

Barratt Southampton is appealing against Fareham council's refusal to let them build the development on the former gasworks site.

Over the last three years they have been refused planning permission three times to build on the site overlooking Fareham Lake - a designated site of special interest.

Mrs Clapperton told the inquiry that the Fareham Society had spent £1,000 producing special posters and notices illustrating the wildlife to be found in the waterfront area.

The government planning inspector will rule within the next six weeks.