INSPIRATIONAL DJ Errol Matthews is to play at the Christmas party of the children's hospice he attends.

Errol, 17, who only has months to live after being turned down for a heart-and-lung transplant, has raised hundreds of pounds for Naomi House, near Winchester, through organising fundraising discos around Southampton this autumn.

Now he's set to bring the house down at the charity's festive knees-up on Thursday - despite only recently recovering from a bout of pneumonia which has hospitalised him for two weeks.

Errol was due to be discharged from Southampton General Hospital over the weekend after receiving a course of strong intravenous antibiotics.

He plans to return to his home in Priory Road, St Denys, Southampton, and organise what will be his most prestigious gig to date.

"I asked Naomi House if I could put on a party and they said 'yes'. Now I'm going to take my system up there so we can get in the Christmas spirit," he said.

"It will give me something to do after being in hospital. I can't wait to get out."

Errol and his family are set to spend Christmas at Naomi House, where he hopes to kick off December 25 in the jacuzzi.

He was turned down for the transplant that would have given him a future because he's already had eight serious operations and doctors fear he might not survive another.