Salberg Studio, Salisbury Playhouse

SET in the present day, John Christopher-Wood's comedy is one couple's response to television repeats and board games at Christmas time.

Leaving out, as he puts it, "the boring bits", Norm rewrites Macbeth, questioning Shakespeare's ability both as a playwright and as a poet since "nothing much rhymes".

This is a superb production - a broomstick is updated to a vacuum cleaner, Banquo and Fleance are played by cuddly toy pandas and the cast of two - Jane Arden and Peter Bourke - play all the other parts in the play.

This necessarily involves quick changes, comedy timing, a dance routine and a sung finale. Both actors were excellent and played this two-hander so well.

Described as entertaining and somewhat daft, this production benefited from the intimate atmosphere of the Salberg Studio and was a real joy to watch. Laughter filled the Studio.

I certainly haven't laughed as much for a long time. An evening with Elsie and Norm is not to be missed.