Solent Stars 72 - Reading Rockets 105

A darting early run by Alan McDonald brought him to 200 points for the season - but it proved a false dawn for Solent in another heavy defeat.

Coach Mark Scott needed to take an early time-out as poor defensive play by the home team allowed Reading players to both drive through the wafer thin resistance or set up unguarded players under the basket with the easiest of scoring opportunities.

To Scott's dismay, guard Mark Jackson then turned over the ball twice in 30 seconds to gift Reading a further five points.

Solent were able to show little attacking enterprise thanks to the well-drilled Reading defence which stifled their every effort.

It was at the end of third minute of the second quarter before Anthony Rutter was able to score Solent's first points in the period.

By then Reading were nearly out of sight having racked up an 18-point lead (15-33).

At the half-time interval this had increased to 22 points as Solent could only muster ten points in the quarter.

In the first half Reading had defended so well that Solent only gained one rebound off their board. Fifteen turnovers were recorded by Solent in the half as they tried to find their way through the Reading defence.

Solent were trailing by 30 points in the third quarter (39-68) when three consecutive three pointers by Trevor Donaldson brought a brief glimmer of hope.

Reading coach Matt Johnson quickly called a time-out and Donaldson became a marked man with little opportunity to shoot.

Mark Jackson ended his most miserable of nights by being fouled out at the end of the quarter.

Reading were able to give court time to all their players (all of whom finished on the scoresheet) as they played out the final quarter without any threat from Solent.

Solent's assistant coach, Steve Fitzsimons, said that: "Reading had done their homework, shutting down Mark Jackson and pressuring our attacking plays by closing down our passing lanes. They played as a team on the night, which our side did not." Scorers:

SOLENT: Dominique Jones 15 Adam Willis 12 Trevor Donaldson 12 Mark Jackson 10 Alan McDonald 8 Chris Glover 7 Jon Neale 4 Anthony Rutter 4

READING: Jermaine Williams 21 Damon Cooper 18 Ted Smith 17 John Hodds 16 Lloyd Gardener 13 Ian Durrant 11 Adam Kelly 4 Paul Hearne 3 Ian Rich 1 Pem Bristol 1

Attendance: 186.