CHRISTMAS shoppers in Basingstoke town centre are being treated to entertainment in the run-up to the festive season.

Festival Place centre manager Chris Bliss said the aim was to stage a mixture of events for everyone.

"We want people to enjoy the atmosphere and have a leisurely shop," he said.

Last weekend marked a highlight in the festive programme when Basingstoke took a step back to the Dickensian era, and several characters from Christmas past could be seen.

Period stalls were on display throughout the weekend and the public were invited to watch silversmiths, candlemakers, spoon-making and even quack doctors at work.

Dickensian entertainments were also on show including a period puppet theatre, an escapologist, grave-diggers (pictured) and a juggling act.

The event was organised by the borough council in partnership with the town centre management.

Chris Powell, the borough's events officer, said: "It was a very successful weekend and I'm glad we were able to put a smile on people's faces. The kids loved the pod puppets, which had actors inside controlling the puppet's head with their hands."

Christmas storytellers and carol singers will appear on Thursday and Friday respectively in designated areas in Festival Place.

The centre management and store managers said they were "very pleased" with the first Christmas season in the new centre.

A "Winter in the Town" leaflet listing all town centre activities is available at the Festival Place information desk.