AN Odiham district councillor faced a hostile crowd to explain his reasons for wanting to build a motocross track on his land.

Robert Benford, one of two Hart councillors to serve the ward of Odiham, addressed a packed room at the local cricket club last Monday evening after inviting villagers to hear about his controversial plans to diversify activities on his farm.

If successful, his application will result in a moto park, comprising of a number of courses for off-road motorcycles and quad bikes, being built on a 34-acre patch of his land at Home Farm, approximately one and a half miles south of the village.

Cllr Benford, the fourth generation of Benfords to farm Down Farm, explained he needed to diversify his activities because "farming is in a deep depression with little prospect of recovery".

Having looked at several options that weren't viable, and having had a long-term interest in motorcycles, he said he researched the idea of building a moto park. He secured the backing of the sport's governing body, the Rugby-based ACU (Auto Cycle Union), and a subsequent study conducted by planning consultants showed his site, 0.2 miles from the houses on RAF Odiham, was "highly appropriate" for use as a moto park.

Mr Benford, who was elected as an Odiham councillor in 1995, said a planning application would soon be submitted to Hart council, accompanied by a noise survey, a traffic impact study and environmental study.

Throughout his address, Cllr Benford fielded questions from worried residents. Many were concerned about the noise levels which would accompany the site, and additional traffic which may be brought to the area.

Cllr Benford said the noise consultants thought there wouldn't be any harmful effects to nearby residents, adding: "I am a businessman with a farm. I am just trying to make it pay."