HAMPSHIRE Euro MP Roy Perry has just returned from a visit to the Middle East where he met PLO Leader Yasser Arafat in the bombed out shell of his compound in Ramallah. And Arafat kissed him.

Back in Brussels, Mr Perry said: "The headquarters of the PLO was largely destroyed two months ago in an Israeli attack and Arafat is reduced to a small section of the compound - in circumstances rather like Hitler's Berlin bunker in the final stages of the Second World War.

"Arafat pleaded with EU representatives for observers to be sent to Palestine so that the outside world would see the deprivation being inflicted upon the Palestinian people in their homeland.

"He revealed that he was in talks with the militant Hamas movement in attempts to stop violence on Israeli civilians -which he unreservedly condemned during an acceptance of the Oslo accords."

Mr Perry described his meeting with Mr Arafat as "surreal".

"I expected to shake hands but was taken aback to be kissed on both cheeks," he said.

"When we met him we condemned the acts of terrorism leading to loss of life. The suicide bombings are totally inexcusable.

"It is important to encourage moderate opinion on both sides of the divide.

"The current Israeli policy is clearly counter-productive and not giving Israel the security it wants, and by inflicting despair upon the Palestinians, it is encouraging the fanatics.

"I know to some people, Arafat is no more than a terrorist. But history is littered with individuals like him who go on to be great leaders - Kenyatta and Mandela were once reviled and are now regarded as having been the architects of peace.

"Arafat now represents the moderate section of Palestinian opinion and he is their elected leader.

"I hope the EU can continue to use its influence for a peaceful solution to this tragic situation."