HAMPSHIRE County Council is excellent - and that's official.

The authority has been rated in the top category in a performance assessment by the Audit Commission, to the delight of officials and leader Cllr Ken Thornber.

While some councils have been slated by the commission, Hampshire was said to have a strong focus on achieving its objectives, high customer satisfaction and overall some of the best services provided by a county council.

"It has strong political and executive leadership, is open to challenge and new ideas and has high quality staff," said the commission.

Cllr Thornber said: "This has been a highly important process for the county council.

"The secret of our success has been the dedication and professionalism of our 32,000 staff and councillors in delivering high quality services.

"Our 'excellent' result means we will gain additional flexibility and the freedom to get on with the day job of improving services that matter to local people, without interference from Government."

He could not resist having another dig at the Government's move to shift a larger amount of grant money to authorities in the North and the Midlands at the expense of those in the South East.

The council has predicted that the move will force a massive increase in council tax.

"It is ironic we have just received the joint lowest grant settlement of all county councils as part of the Government's bid to shift resources north.

"As a result, we will be forced to make up the shortfall through council tax if we are to maintain our services levels," he said.

"Is this how the Government should be treating 'excellent' councils?"