A DEBATE which should have been a formality to bestow the highest civic honour on a woman who had devoted almost a lifetime's work to Eastleigh was rocked by a "sour" speech.

It was expected that party political divides would be dropped to endorse two times Mayor of Eastleigh Margaret Kyrle's candidature for Freeman of the Borough in recognition of her tireless community service.

But after plaudits from both Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors, the council chamber was shocked by a speech from Conservative Councillor Godfrey Olsen, who snubbed Mrs Kyrle by unexpectedly proposing his own candidate.

He was severely rebuked by fellow councillors and Eastleigh mayor Gillian Connell ruled that he had broken with procedure and would not accept his nomination.

Labour councillor Bill Luffman said: "I would implore people who are going to do this in the future to do it at the appropriate time because this is just embarrassing."

Liberal Democrat leader of the council Keith House said: "I'm really disappointed that a sour note has entered into the proceedings but I think, sadly, that could have been expected."

Cllr Olsen put forward Peter Molynieux, who has "volunteered his time for the youth and elderly of the borough over many years" and is a former councillor.

Councillors agreed that Mr Molynieux should be recognised but at a different time.

The whole council chamber, except Conservative councillors, voted for Mrs Kyrle to receive the honour, which will be made to her at a formal ceremony.

Mrs Kyrle is a former leader of Eastleigh Borough Council and only the ninth person to be made a freeman of the borough since it was formed in 1974.

In 1972 she became the first ever Liberal councillor elected to the authority. She has also served as a JP since 1979 and was awarded the OBE in 1991 for public and political service. She lost her Chandler's Ford seat in this year's May election.