COUNCIL bosses in Fareham are handing out healthy living advice - at a pub.

Civic chiefs are taking the unusual step in a bid to get their message across to more men.

Improving diets, awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of self-examinations to reduce the risk of prostate and testicular cancer will be among the subjects covered at the Lord Arthur Lee Wetherspoons pub in West Street, Fareham.

Executive member of health Leslie Keeble said: "We just thought not many people would stop to listen to what we had to say if we were simply in the street or at the council offices.

She added: "The pub seemed a great idea for staging the health campaign days as we are focusing on men's health advice.

"We are going there with a team of experts and gadgets including hopefully a "grope box" where men can simulate a self examination."

The roadshow has already proved a big hit with students after it made a stop at Fareham College last week and health chiefs are hoping for the same success when they stop off at the Lord Arthur Lee pub on Friday.

A spokesman for Wetherspoons said: "I think this is an excellent way for any health initiative to get its message across.

"Quite often men are embarrassed to seek medical advice and would rather ignore the problem altogether.

"This campaign will certainly help that and we are delighted to help support it."

The Health Campaign Days event is a joint collaboration between Fareham council and a number of local health organisations, including community dieticians, vascular care specialists and hospital services.

The roadshow will be at the Lord Arthur Lee this Friday between 3pm and 7pm.