FOUR people were being questioned today after customs officials seized £750,000 worth of cocaine at Southampton Central railway station.

The drugs were discovered in a box containing bananas when officers searched a vehicle in the station car park at about 6.20pm yesterday.

Two men and a woman were detained at the scene while a third man was later arrested at an address in Southampton.

All four were being questioned at Southampton Central police station last night.

Inquiries by customs officers were continuing today but it was believed the 8kg of cocaine had been smuggled into Britain on a container ship.

HM Customs and Excise spokeswoman Amanda Spencer said investigations were focusing on a container ship, which had docked at Portsmouth on Sunday.

Customs officials said they were unable to release the identities or ages of those arrested for operational reasons.

However, the Daily Echo understands two of those in custody are thought to be British employees of a banana importation firm.

One of the men being questioned is believed to come from Venezuela while the woman in custody has provided officials with an address on the Caribbean island of St Lucia.

Customs officers said they were unable to confirm where in Southampton the third man had been arrested last night.

Inquiries were continuing today.

People can report suspected smuggling or any other suspicious activities to the anonymous customs hotline on 0800 595000.