CROSS-CHANNEL bonhomie took another beating at Brockenhurst when councillors kicked up once again at overtures from their local twinning association.

Brockenhurst has had links with Pont St Martin in the Loire Atlantique for ten years, but last month when local twinning organisers asked Brockenhurst Parish Council for £50 towards the cost of entertaining 80 French visitors, entente cordiale ran dry.

After a lively debate - where some councillors argued that council taxpayers' money should not be spent on twinning events - the council agreed by just one vote to allow the grant.

At this month's council meeting, members questioned whether to ratify the long-standing twinning arrangement with their official parish council blessing and access to events funding. But the idea of closer links with the French still left some councillors cold.

"I don't think this parish council should provide funds for entertaining foreigners," said Councillor Moyra Williamson.

"These people come over from France and I don't think we should take money from the precept when lots of Brockenhurst people don't agree with the grant or twinning."

Councillor Cyril Otter said: "I support Moyra. The twinning has been going on ten years. Why should we give them money now?"

Councillor John Purkess thought the financial implications needed sorting out.

"It is different from a request for funds for the CAB or Dial a Ride."

Councillor Bill Greer said twinning events were for the benefit of the community and just as entitled to consideration for a grant.

"Knowing what happens when our people visit France, where twinning organisations are government-funded, our people are trying to meet their standards. They are as entitled to apply to us as any other village organisation," he said.

"The new parish council takes over in May next year.

"We should not tie its hands on this issue."

Cllr Greer's motion was carried by one vote.