DAVE Stansbridge has resigned as chairman of Brockenhurst following a split within the management committee.

It is believed that Stansbridge, who has been associated with the club for more than half a century, had a difference of opinion on how the committee should deal with clearing the remainder of inherited debts which, during the summer, amounted to nearly £30,000.

Terry Simpson, who is shortly to stand down as club secretary because of increasing outside work commitments, explained: "We've already wiped £15,000 off the debt but there was a difference of approach about how to deal with the rest of it.

"It was a question of whether we should clear it all this season or do it over a slightly longer period.

"Dave was more cautious and didn't believe it was realistic to clear it all as quickly as the rest of the management committee wanted to.

"The fact that we haven't got a main sponsor hasn't helped. We've got a bit of sponsorship, but nowhere near as much as we'd like. If we'd had £10-12,000 of financial backing, we'd have been home and dry by now.

"We've had some serious discussions about finances, and yet the debts are not the doing of anyone who attended those meetings. Although the club had sponsorship and a good FA Cup run last season, all that money has gone. But we're gradually paying the debts off and are only spending what we have to spend."

Stansbridge, who first went to Brock with his dad in the early 1950s, said: "I'm very sad to be going. Although I live in Winchester now, I was born and brought up in the village. I went back to the club in 1998 to do one centenary programme - but ended up becoming chairman!

"My wife was involved too, but there was too big a gap between the various management committee members for me to continue as chairman.

"In some ways it's a relief. I was still doing the programme which takes up a lot of time. I probably won't go back to Brock for a while, but maybe I'll go back down once the dust settles."

Brock are in negotiations about a possible move from their Grigg Lane home, but Stansbridge stressed: "The difference of opinion had nothing to do with that - and there were no fall-outs with club members either.

"I can't speak highly enough about the membership and I shall miss working with team manager Pete Moore."

Brock, who are in FA Vase action tomorrow at home to Jewson Wessex League rivals Bemerton, would like to hear from potential candidates for the secretary and chairman's jobs. Ring Terry Simpson on 01590 682991 (home) or 07810 430953 (mobile).