Over 400 people in the Winchester district have expressed an interest in shared home ownership, with 61 new applicants joining the City Council's Low Cost Home Ownership Register in the past few weeks.

With the cost of a terraced house in Winchester running at nearly twice the national average, the council, working with its partner housing associations, has launched the register to identify people interested in low cost home ownership.

Until now, they could only register their interest in shared ownership and shared equity schemes if they were eligible for the council's Joint Housing Register that is principally for rented accommodation.

Given the demand for low cost home ownership, it is now possible to register on both lists or just on the Low Cost Home Ownership Register, which will include Homebuy for those on the Joint Housing Register and the Key Worker Starter Home Initiative.

"The city council works with five partner housing associations, developing properties for low cost home ownership as well as for rent, and the terrific interest shown in just a few weeks gives an indication of demand," said Dominic Hiscock, the cabinet member for housing.

"Shared ownership involves buying 50% or 75% of a property and paying a subsidised rent on the remainder, owned by the housing association. Shared equity schemes allow you to buy a larger share in a property, usually 75%,and the housing association involved will provide an interest free loan for the rest. If you decide to move, the landlord will receive 25% of the property's current market value in order to help other people in housing need," he added.

Applicants for the new register must live or work in the Winchester district and a local connection will be required for housing in rural areas. A simple checklist has been drawn up to ensure that the financial assistance is being channelled to those who really need it, with minimum and maximum household incomes of £16,000 and £45,000.

The register is only for those who wish to take the first step on the property ladder, and savings of £2,000 are recommended to cover the normal home purchase fees.

Applicants will be dealt with on a first-come first-served basis.

For further information or an application form, contact enabling officer, Suzanne Le Brocq, at Winchester City Council on 01962-848210.