CHANGES to the way Hampshire's roads and footpaths are maintained and managed should make things less confusing and easier for people to get in touch with the correct person if things go wrong, says Test Valley's head of technical services Terry Gilmour.

The old arrangement, in which Test Valley Borough Council was a agent for the county council highways in Andover but not elsewhere, was a hangover from the pre-1974 days when the old Andover Borough Council was a highway authority.

Under the new arrangement Hampshire County Council will take on the whole of the highway maintenance role for Test Valley, including Andover, while Test Valley will now look after traffic management for the whole of its area.

"It is a big gain for us as we will now look after the signs and lines for the whole borough," said Mr Gilmour.

Officers from Hampshire Highways are now based at Beech Hurst so it means that whether someone is calling from Andover or Abbotts Ann and is complaining about potholes or pavements the matter can be dealt with in Andover.

The changes are being implemented across Hampshire following a 'best value' review although Test Valley agreed to be one of the first areas affected.