SARISBURY theatre Company is appealing for amateur groups to get their act together - one act, that is.

The group has just announced the second Sarisbury Green Drama Festival.

The one-act drama festival, which was launched last year to great success, runs from October 31 to November 2.

It is open to all bona fide adult and youth amateur groups in Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, West Sussex and surrounding areas.

The dramatic work offered by any entrant must be a one-act play or an extract from a longer play, provided that the extract makes sense as a stand-alone.

Pieces must not be less than 20 minutes or more than 50 minutes. long

Awards will be given for best overall production, runner-up, best actor, best actress, most promising young actor/actress, most promising youth group and there will be an adjudicator's award.

Festival organiser Elliott Honey said: "The festival is competitive because of the awards element but it is also friendly.

"Groups that took part last year really enjoyed the chance to perform in a different space from their usual hall or theatre and found the constructive criticism from the independent adjudicator very helpful."

The cut-off date for application is August 23.

The entry fee is £10 per group and £8 for youth groups. For information, call Elliott Honey on 023 9237 5249 or e-mail: Details: