Yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur helped at the launch of the first Hampshire County Council Hantsweb awards - even though she was off the coast of Spain.

Ellen decided to e-mail her good wishes to future entrants of the awards, which aim to recognise outstanding Hampshire-based websites, from her yacht, Kingfisher, where she is racing in the Regatta Rubicon.

She wrote: "The very best of luck for everyone taking part in the awards.

"The Internet provides a vital link for Kingfisher while she's racing around the world.

As an ever-growing technology, we are pleased to see the Hantsweb awards doing so much to encourage local participation in the use of the web.''

The awards were formally launched at Winchester Internet caf, The Byte, in Parchment Street, by County Council Leader, Councillor Ken Thornber.

He said: "We're not necessarily looking for sites that use lots of gimmicks.

"We want to recognise those that are easy to navigate, kept up-to-date and fulfil a genuine Hampshire community purpose - we look forward to assessing the entries.''

The following categories of awards will be made: accessibility; youth; schools; town or parish council; special interest; local small business; best online service; community or voluntary organisation; and public access to the Internet.

Entries are via an online nomination form.

Details can be found at