THE unconventional beauty of Hill Head seafront has been immortalised on canvas by a prize-winning artist.

Elaine Reed's pen-and-wash painting of the foreshore at dusk wowed the judges of a charity art contest.

Mrs Reed, who runs a guesthouse in Hill Head Road, said she often paints there because it can be "quite lovely". She said: "The painting is of the beach right below our place. It is lovely because when the tide goes out the shingle banks can make some really nice shapes."

The winning painting depicts Mrs Reed, 44, watching her son Dominic chasing seagulls near the water's edge.

She added: "I love the Solent. There is a lot that is beautiful there that you rarely notice."

Mrs Reed, who teaches art at Fareham Adult Education Centre, has an exhibition of her works at the Fareham Art Gallery in West Street. She said she was "very pleased" at winning first prize in the international competition, which was run by charity for the blind Fight for Sight.