SMANNELL and Enham Primary School needs to raise £5,000 towards a building project before April or risks losing £90,000 in grants.

The project aims to join the two buildings of the school, effectively bringing it under one roof. As the school is Church of England aided, it has to raise 15 per cent of the cost of any project.

With only 100 pupils on the school roll, it's a massive task, but one the school is confident of achieving.

Headteacher Geoff Friend said: "The building project is very important to the school. It will help us provide an even better school environment. We are all working hard to make sure it happens."

The Friends of the School have launched an appeal to find the money before the end of the financial year.

After a frantic search for an elusive 'money tree', they decided to produce their own.

Items such as robins, kingfishers, swallows and puffins - named after the classes - are being sold to decorate the tree and it is also being used a totaliser for other projects.

To buy an item or for details on other fundraising projects, contact the school on 01264 323201.