A DEDICATED directory for parents in Andover is being launched at the Guildhall today.

The Parentaid Directory is the first initiative of its kind in Hampshire.

Copies will be distributed to schools and other relevant community-based organisations with information and contacts to support their work with parents.

It has been produced by members of the Voices Group, a registered charity working as a support agency to raise the self-esteem of parents of children under five.

The directory is one of the successes to come out of the Andover Family Learning Project and is down to the commitment from schools, voluntary and statutory bodies working together with a national development officer.

Project development worker Jean Lannie said: "Many schools want to respond positively to parents who are in need of help but often they do not have the time or the information to hand.

"This is where Parentaid comes in. The directory contains detailed information of agencies and organisations who offer support an advice."

Department of Health research shows that, after the GP, the primary school is the second most likely place for parents to go for advice on their own problems.

The Andover Community Partnership recently made a successful bid for funding to the Learning and Skills Council for funding to support the Andover Family Learning Project.